If you find yourself needing some calming and relaxation - when things feel out of control, why not try some of these techniques.
Adapted from the techniques available by the renowned, NASA Consultant, Dr Peter Levine, this technique helps you immediately calm yourself in stressful situations.
Start by breathing deeply and allowing your breath to slow down.
Watch yourself breathe in and out slowly
As you do notice any tension in your body and begin to allow it to relax.
As you do this, place one hand on your forehead
Breathing deeply
And one hand on your heart region
Notice how as you breathe, deeply, in and out, in and out
How your shoulders start to relax
Now take the hand from your forehead and place it on your stomach region.
Breathing deeply
In and out
In and out
As you start to observe yourself calming down
Breathing steadily
And feeling more relaxed